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Product Reviews

Only works sporadically
By Verified Customer from Houston, TX USA on Sep 26, 2020
Love the concept. Small. I have the Manners Minder too but love this one because it is more inconspicuous. Great for contacts, retrieves weaves and more. Problem is it only works sporadically. Just when I want to count on it, it stops working. No rhyme or reason. Then later it starts working again. I’ve had it for over a year and have had this problem almost from the beginning. But just when I think I’ll complain to Clean Run, it starts working again. Would buy another but I’m afraid to send good money after bad. Funny thing is my obedience instructor has one and says hers works perfectly. Very frustrating. Would love to be able to count on it.
Comment from Clean Run We're sorry to hear that you have had a problem with your older Ready Treat. The Ready Treat does come with a 1-year warranty. Customer service will email you directly with some tips for troubleshooting and re-setting your Ready Treat. Please contact us anytime you have a problem with a product and we'll be happy to help.
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