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Product Reviews

Rusts after a few months, overpriced and cheaply made
By Verified Customer from north palm beach fl on Apr 23, 2021
I purchased these weave pole set six months ago and thought these were nice portable weaves. However within the first few months they started rusting. Even though I took them in and out of the bag. I contacted Clean Run who contacted the manufacturer and they told me I needed to sand the rust spots and repaint them even though they are only 6 months old. I would absolutely not recommend this product.
Comment from Clean Run We're sorry that you're unhappy with your purchase. The poles are sold as training weave poles because of their portability, and there is a warning on the website as well as printed on the box that the powder coating can oxidize based on the conditions where maintenance may be required - Please be aware that when using this product outdoors it is important to monitor the base for oxidation. In the event that rust appears, please spray the oxidized area using a rust-preventative product or paint. Lawn fertilizers and other chemicals can also be extremely corrosive. The owner of Clean Run inspected all the photos that you sent and the spots are a cosmetic flaw and not out of the norm for what you could expect with any metal base that has been used for 6-7 months. Agility obstacles do require maintenance, especially in a state like Florida where you live. Even if you are putting the weave poles away in the bag, storing them with any dampness or after they've been exposed to lawn chemicals will trigger the oxidation process. We have many people who are happily using these poles for their training, but if you are looking for poles that are maintenance free as you expressed when you contact us, these are not right for you.
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